What is another word for Bonny in english

The list of words which can be used for Bonny while creating sentence in english language. blithe sprightly, jaunty, jovial, carefree, lighthearted, animated buxom ample, built, chubby, comely, curvaceous, healthy, hearty cheerful peppy, bright, effervescent, buoyant, sanguine, jolly chubby portly, flabby, chunky, pudgy, stout, plump, ample, big comely good-looking, winsome, attractive, becoming, blooming fair civil, sincere, unbiased, lawful, proper, principled fine beautiful, outstanding, magnificent, elegant, subtle gay keen, sparkling, alert, wild, forward, jolly, glad, animate handsome beautiful, clean-cut, athletic, suave, smooth, elegant healthy vigorous, tough, normal, athletic, healthful, hearty merry pleasant, winsome, enjoyable, mad, joyous, sunny plump pretty ravishing sportive strong goodlooking 
Usage of Bonny in sentences
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