What is another word for Bouncer in english

The list of words which can be used for Bouncer while creating sentence in english language. escort entourage, bodyguard, convoy, attendant, gallant, protector guardian superintendent, angel, chaperon, guard, sponsor, defender muscle tendon, meat, flesh, brawn, might, beef, sinew, thew praetorian security guard minder escort, guardian, muscle, praetorian, security guard defender protector, supporter, sponsor, guardian warden lookout sentry, outlook, observance, scene, watcher, sentinel shepherd shield picket chaperon escort, companion, alarm clock, babysitter, bird dog sentry watch chaperone custodian superintendent, curator, steward, warden, overseer, keeper sentinel chaser performance, attitude, show, stance, stunt, put-on, pose convoyer watchperson egotist boaster, egomaniac, braggart, egoist blowhard boaster, windbag, gascon vaunter braggadocio blusterer crower fanfaron gascon rodomont ruffler skite 
Usage of Bouncer in sentences
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