What is another word for Boycott in english

The list of words which can be used for Boycott while creating sentence in english language. cut off suspend, disconnect, halt, separate, isolate, renounce refuse spurn avoid dodge, avert, sidestep, evade, fend off, bypass, escape snub reject exclude prohibit, rule out, suspend, bar, prevent, preclude, omit embargo ban, restraint, proscription, bar, barrier, blockage prohibit ostracize outlaw blackball blacklist, ostracize, oust, veto, debar, repudiate, snub blacklist banish, blackball, expel, snub, ostracize, bar, repudiate strike proscribe brush off boycott, brush aside, contradict, cut, deny, disclaim pass by shut out hold aloof from cut off, refuse, spurn, avoid, snub, reject, exclude ice out pass up withhold patronage 
Usage of Boycott in sentences
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