What is another word for Bring Down in english

The list of words which can be used for Bring Down while creating sentence in english language. abase lower, disgrace, dishonor, belittle, humble, reduce cut down dispatch, hew, kill, level, lop, massacre, mow, raze damage blow, devastation, harm, illness, hardship, bruise, wound drop speck, taste, morsel, dash, bit, sip, dab, pearl, splash fell shoot, tumble, drop, flatten, slash, raze, rive, gash floor canvas, flooring, deck, ground, rug, basement, stage injure torture, wound, damage, cripple, break, disable, batter level matched, trim, constant, flush, polished, matching, same lower junior, reduced, minor, low, subordinate, secondary murder homicide, lynching, massacre, felony, crime, destruction overthrow overturn prostrate pull down slay tumble undermine upset wound ko beat, trounce, outclass, outshine, conquer, surpass, blank knock down accustom, familiarize, apprise, inform, advise, enlighten lay low dodge, avert, sidestep, fend off, bypass, escape, shun, shy mow down abase, damage, drop, floor, injure, level, lower, murder shoot down throw down 
Usage of Bring Down in sentences
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