What is another word for Bring Under Control in english

The list of words which can be used for Bring Under Control while creating sentence in english language. mesmerize hypnotize, fascinate, enthrall, stupefy, control, grip stupefy captivate grip, gratify, dazzle, bewitch, fascinate, enthrall, seduce fascinate tantalize, overwhelm, beguile, animate, attract, seduce entrance hallway, porch, door, opening, entryway, port, access drug pharmaceutical, prescription, poison, narcotic, remedy soothe charm magic, beauty, glamour, charisma, appeal, grace, pizzazz induce urge, activate, prompt, coax, engender, bring about, breed narcotize magnetize draw, fascinate, influence, allure, charm, entice, attract anesthetize impair, abate, mute, reduce, smother, cushion, soften, hush dull the will hold under a spell lull to sleep make drowsy make sleepy put to sleep subject tosuggestion 
Usage of Bring Under Control in sentences
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