What is another word for Brush Off in english

The list of words which can be used for Brush Off while creating sentence in english language. boycott cut off, refuse, spurn, avoid, snub, reject, exclude brush aside brush off, discount, dismiss, disregard, ignore, push aside contradict contravene, deny, repudiate, counter, differ, belie cut laceration, wound, trim, shave, chip, rip, snip, slit, rent deny refuse, revoke, refute, contradict, withhold, oppose disclaim disown, disavow, traverse, revoke, repudiate, negate dismiss decline, expel, disband, reject, release, dissolve, shed disown renounce, repudiate, disavow, disclaim, retract, discard disregard negligence, disdain, inattention, apathy, disrespect, scorn ostracize override rebuff refuse reject repudiate scorn slight snub spurn cold-shoulder send away sweep aside 
Usage of Brush Off in sentences
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