What is another word for Buffet in english

The list of words which can be used for Buffet while creating sentence in english language. cafeteria snack bar, commissary, café, lunch counter, lunchroom smorgasbord shelf sideboard counter antithetical, conflicting, antipodal, contrasting, obverse cupboard locker, storeroom, sideboard, closet, repository, facility cafã© snack bar cold table lunch wagon salad bar clobber thrash, drub, smother, wallop, trim, smash, lick, smear batter dough, mush, concoction, recipe, preparation, paste jolt bump, shock, reversal, punch, setback, blow, impact, shot pummel box carton, crate, pack, trunk, package, case, bin, casket knock blow, box, lick, hit, clip, swipe, slap, swat, smack, cuff pound shove spank flail beat exhausted, wearied, fatigued, weary, kaput, worn out bump knock, crash, smack, jerk, rattle, shake, punch, bounce wallop smack slap blow hurricane, gust, squall, gale, flurry, draft, typhoon, puff thrash bang smack, straight, headlong, precisely, abruptly, head on cuff sock, belt, box, knock, poke, hit, clip, slap, wallop push rap thump strike 
Usage of Buffet in sentences
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