What is another word for Build Up in english

The list of words which can be used for Build Up while creating sentence in english language. develop evolve, advance, flourish, progress, promote, establish strengthen intensify aggravate, add to, escalate, boost, build up, step up add to increase reinforce fortify consolidate, protect, buttress, strengthen, step up enhance upgrade, raise, augment, strengthen, intensify, complement promote boost breakthrough, upgrade, advance, addition, hike, rise expand bolster, widen, broaden, swell, enlarge, increase, spread improve advance, upgrade, develop, help, reform, rise, recover extend prolong, last, widen, stretch, boost, broaden, develop heighten raise, magnify, strengthen, add to, increase, enhance hype buildup, promotion, advertising, plugging plug publicize puff spotlight 
Usage of Build Up in sentences
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