What is another word for Bulletproof in english

The list of words which can be used for Bulletproof while creating sentence in english language. impervious impenetrable, resistant, invulnerable, inaccessible, immune impassable insurmountable, impenetrable, forbidden, blockaded close convenient, warm, adjacent, neighboring, adjoining, handy compact firm tough, sturdy, solid, hard, unyielding, substantial, rigid hard solid, strong, tough, concentrated, callous, compact, dense hermetic impervious, sealed, shut, waterproof, completely sealed impermeable airtight, dense, hermetic, impassable, impervious, sealed inviolable sacrosanct, holy, sacred, durable, invincible, stable solid substantial thick unpiercable unassailable untouchable unbeatable impregnable impenetrable, unassailable, invincible, indestructible indomitable stubborn, unassailable, invincible, unbeatable, impregnable irresistible alluring, seductive, fascinating, invincible, unavoidable insuperable impossible, insurmountable, overwhelming powerful strong unconquerable unyielding unattackable undefeatable unsurmountable indestructible durable, perpetual, immortal, abiding, deathless, enduring secure protected ironclad unbreakable shielded steel-plated 
Usage of Bulletproof in sentences
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