What is another word for Businessman in english

The list of words which can be used for Businessman while creating sentence in english language. merchant merchandiser tycoon capitalist entrepreneur, banker, financier, backer, businessperson trafficker storekeeper executive managerial, ruling, governing, controlling, managing employer firm, management, corporation, company, executive, boss financier merchant, tycoon, broker, backer, speculator, entrepreneur manager administrator, official, supervisor, producer, executive industrialist owner, manager, businessperson, manufacturer suit operator entrepreneur manager, executive, administrator, producer, contractor dealer merchant, trafficker, vendor, trader, banker, merchandiser baron aristocrat, peer, lord big wheel VIP, big cheese, big shot, bigwig, dignitary, fat cat wheeler-dealer small potatoes businesswoman merchant, merchandiser, tycoon, capitalist, trafficker big-time operator career person franchiser gray flannel suit organization person the bacon tradesperson working woman 
Usage of Businessman in sentences
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