What is another word for By Fits And Starts in english

The list of words which can be used for By Fits And Starts while creating sentence in english language. haphazardly carelessly, casually, accidentally, by chance, randomly fitfully irregularly, erratically, off and on, restlessly infrequently now and then, occasionally, intermittently, sporadically sporadically unevenly erratically carelessly, unevenly, capriciously, eccentrically any which way carelessly, indifferently anyhow anyway, about, any which way, around, haphazard helter-skelter occasionally off and on periodically slapdash uncommonly willy-nilly by turns at intervals amid, among, halfway, inserted, intervening, midway, within disconnectedly eccentrically haphazardly, fitfully, infrequently, sporadically, unevenly in snatches jerkily haphazardly, fitfully, infrequently, sporadically, unevenly now and again haphazardly, fitfully, infrequently, sporadically, unevenly out of sequence spasmodically uncertainly unmethodically unpunctually gradual progressive, piecemeal, continuous, steady, step-by-step by degrees bit by bit, gradually, steadily, a little at a time fragmentary sketchy, scattered, disconnected, discrete, disjointed gradually regularly, increasingly, constantly, moderately, gently intermittent fitful, infrequent, recurrent, occasional, periodic interrupted partial partially patchy spotty intermittently sporadically, occasionally, periodically, again, betimes little by little regularly, increasingly, constantly, moderately, gently step by step 
Usage of By Fits And Starts in sentences
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