What is another word for Caboose in english

The list of words which can be used for Caboose while creating sentence in english language. box carton, crate, pack, trunk, package, case, bin, casket shed chalet hut, cabin, house room shack shelter shanty camp affected, pop, avant-garde, wild, arch, mod, artificial hut box, shed, chalet, cot, shelter, lean-to, shanty, shack lodge dormitory, chalet, dwelling, shack, tavern, motel, hotel home central, family, familiar, household, local, national compartment slot, alcove, locker, cell, chamber, carriage, cubicle berth dock, wharf, port, quay, cot, anchorage, billet, jetty, bed crib bunk, cot, rack, bin, box, bassinet, manger, cradle, stall quarters hovel hut, shack, shanty, cottage, lean-to, shed, hutch, dump deckhouse log house lean-to ranch bungalow chalet, lean-to, ranch, shack, lodge, shanty, cabin, box cabana carriage house small house scullery cookroom wagon cart wagon, truck, buggy, dray, gig, dolly, barrow, rickshaw vehicle shay pram 
Usage of Caboose in sentences
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