What is another word for Cantonment in english

The list of words which can be used for Cantonment while creating sentence in english language. encampment site, campground, campsite, bivouac, rest area garrison stronghold, encampment, command post, fortress hut box, shed, chalet, cot, shelter, lean-to, shanty, shack billet headquarters dormitory bedroom, dorm, dorm room, sleeping quarters enclosure courtyard, pen, cage, pound, walk, close, asylum, pale tent bivouac prefab quonset hut cottage chalet, lean-to, ranch, hut, shack, lodge, home, shanty cabin box, shed, chalet, room, shack, shelter, shanty, camp, hut dwelling residence, habitat, abode, dump, house, habitation habitat dwelling, nest, cave, terrain, environment, surroundings house building, box, apartment, dwelling, residence, shack lodging apartment, shelter, motel, hotel, resort, inn, lodge habitation abode, residence home central, family, familiar, household, local, national apartment flat, residence, cave, suite, accommodation, coop domicile abode, apartment, dwelling, dump, residence, habitation station lodge dormitory, chalet, dwelling, shack, tavern, motel, hotel sorority abode flat horizontal, unbroken, low, empty, even, reclining, plane shelter post accommodation reconciliation, compromise, compliance, fitting, adaptation room residence ranch place fraternity sorority, camaraderie, guild, fellowship, club, house chambers box, apartment, cell, bedroom, cubicle, hall, case, flat condo roost digs gibe, cut, quip, slur, taunt, jeer, innuendo, crack, sneer 
Usage of Cantonment in sentences
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