What is another word for Cape in english

The list of words which can be used for Cape while creating sentence in english language. head prime, champion, principal, leading, premier, pioneer, main neck collar, strait, cape, cervix, scruff, nape, isthmus point mole freckle, blot, birthmark, beauty mark, strawberry mark bill note, debt, check, statement, knock, invoice, IOU, damage jetty wharf, quay, barrier, landing, breakwater, dock, slip peninsula headland ridge, spit, promontory, peak, bluff, strip, cape, cliff finger claw, hook, digit, antenna, extremity, tentacle, feeler beak snout, muzzle, proboscis, projection, nozzle, bill, prow tongue arm foreland neck, mole, bill, jetty, peninsula, finger, beak, tongue naze ness chersonese jutty mantle veil, covering, blanket, cape, wrap, curtain, screen shawl cope wrestle, handle, confront, get by, grapple, endure, survive cloak shawl, mantle, mask, camouflage, veneer, blind, facade wrapper cardinal overriding, prime, central, leading, primary, first, chief poncho gabardine tippet pelisse vandyke capote mantilla tabard dolman fichu bertha manteau mantelletta overdress paletot pelerine talma victorine 
Usage of Cape in sentences
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