What is another word for Cast About For in english

The list of words which can be used for Cast About For while creating sentence in english language. connive collude, conspire, operate, cabal, devise, frame, machinate conspire collude, connive, cooperate, maneuver, wire, cabal, devise contrive improvise, concoct, fabricate, devise, dream up, manipulate fish for angle, angle for, elicit, invite, seek, solicit, hope for hint impression, reference, taste, whisper, sign, idea, evidence hunt raid, hunting, probe, prosecution, interrogation, quest invite urge, draw, lead, propose, welcome, request, woo, tempt maneuver plot, manipulation, ploy, ruse, trick, step, measure plan plot scheme seek solicit strive aim for be after look for try for 
Usage of Cast About For in sentences
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