What is another word for Catholic in english

The list of words which can be used for Catholic while creating sentence in english language. liberal permissive, enlightened, radical, tolerant, flexible generic universal, sweeping, comprehensive, blanket, collective comprehensive full, complete, broad, global, overall, thorough universal eclectic broad, diverse, varied, catholic, universal, liberal cosmopolitan urbane, cultured, metropolitan, sophisticated, catholic whole all-inclusive broad-minded charitable altruistic, humanitarian, philanthropic, accommodating cosmic planetary, grandiose, huge, global, immense, infinite diffuse separated, diluted, distributed, scattered, general ecumenical comprehensive, all-inclusive, catholic, cosmic extensive pervasive, huge, lengthy, large-scale, comprehensive global international, universal, overall, comprehensive indeterminate undetermined, general, inconclusive, indefinite, indistinct open-minded planetary receptive tolerant unprejudiced wide large-scale unbigoted unsectarian world-wide 
Usage of Catholic in sentences
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