What is another word for Censor in english

The list of words which can be used for Censor while creating sentence in english language. blacklist banish, blackball, expel, snub, ostracize, bar, repudiate excise tariff, surcharge, duty, levy, toll, customs, import tax edit rearrange, compose, prepare, censor, choose, publish suppress withhold restrict sanitize abridge curtail, abbreviate, truncate, trim, snip, cut, clip black out cut off, darken, erase, pass out, extinguish, batten delete wipe out, annul, expunge, edit, omit, eliminate, destroy control discipline, restriction, management, force, government examine consider, scan, probe, scrutinize, check, ponder, review cut laceration, wound, trim, shave, chip, rip, snip, slit, rent review repress sterilize restrain expurgate inspect audit, search, scan, oversee, review, probe, watch launder cleanse, rinse, do the laundry, do the washing cork spike, stopper, float, seal, close, phellem, bobber, oak squelch decontaminate cleanse, disinfect, fumigate, sterilize, sanitize, wash bleach lighten, blanch, etiolate, blench, fade, achromatize revile conceal harbor, cover, stow, mask, cloak, stash, lurk, camouflage purify purge oversee bowdlerize expurgate, edit, redact criticize excoriate, chastise, denounce, chide, blame, censure narrow precise, limited, slim, definite, precarious, slender strike out bleep blue-pencil clean up compile, acquire, swell, rack up, assemble, add to, accrue drop the iron curtain exscind prevent publication put the lid on refuse transmission scissor out supervise communications 
Usage of Censor in sentences
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