What is another word for Centaur in english

The list of words which can be used for Centaur while creating sentence in english language. giant huge, enormous, hulking, colossal, big, monstrous devil rogue, scamp, ogre, imp, dastard, adversary, brute, beast freak mutant, monster, aberration, geek, weirdo, anomaly, oddity behemoth horror dismay, consternation, fright, apprehension, dread, disgust demon beast pig, monster, creature, barbarian, monstrosity, swine villain whale savage mutant freak, deviation, abnormality, deformity, monster titan ogre colossus brute beastly, bestial, bodily, carnal, feral, fleshly barbarian wild, primitive, rough, philistine, barbaric, barbarous abnormality anomaly, flaw, deformity, irregularity, deviation mammoth enormous, colossal, monstrous, vast, large, immense hellion fiend ogre, barbarian, troll, savage, devil, monster, degenerate monstrosity abnormality, monster, hideousness, horror, deformity dragon basilisk, hydra, tarragon, wyvern phoenix werewolf leviathan goliath, cyclops, Hercules, Gargantua, Samson, Godzilla frankenstein miscreation lusus naturae 
Usage of Centaur in sentences
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