What is another word for Chain in english

The list of words which can be used for Chain while creating sentence in english language. conglomerate varied, assorted, motley, variegated, mixed, heterogeneous group body, crowd, faction, club, company, band, gang, party string continuity set progression sequence alternation interchange, variation, shift, transposition concatenation continuity, chain, nexus, series, integration, link train syndicate trust order row consecution bracelet ornament, trinket, bangle, manacle, circlet, wristlet cable cord, rope, wire, link, boom, coaxial fetter hinder, hog-tie, clog, chain, encumber, repress, bind coupling mixture, combination, joint, linking, connection, seam, tie shackle trammel connection contact, relation, network, acquaintance, associate, mentor iron rigid, steel, firm, immovable, unbending, heavy, adamant bond fetter, chain, tie-in, binding, handcuff, wire, network lavaliere pendant locket bracelet, cable, fetter, coupling, manacle, shackle clinker bracelet, cable, fetter, coupling, manacle, shackle tie up attach secure, fix, affix, adhere, add, link, connect, tie, stick handcuff shackle, fetter, chain, nexus, binding, hobble, wire enslave incarcerate, suppress, deprive, coerce, shackle, imprison tether confine incarcerate, hinder, detain, restrict, restrain, imprison bind pickle, dilemma, quandary, crunch, difficulty, nuisance moor dock, tether, tie up, berth, chain, fix, lash, catch restrain hold grip, influence, dominance, control, pull, occupancy 
Usage of Chain in sentences
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