What is another word for Chariot in english

The list of words which can be used for Chariot while creating sentence in english language. van car wagon, van, auto, bus, ride, machine, pickup, truck, motor bus integrate truck automobile transportation, auto, van, truck, bus, convertible bicycle bike, cycle, wheels, tandem, velocipede, two-wheeler boat dinghy, canoe, sailboat, yacht, craft, barge, ship cab carriage, hack, taxi, taxicab, jitney, hackney, tourist car vector buggy wagon, cart, vehicle, caboose, shay, pram, demented crate box, carton, cage, case, chest, package mechanism instrument, tool, system, structure, apparatus, innards conveyance transportation, car, transmission, transfer, machine jalopy heap, wreck, rattletrap, tin lizzie, junker agent carrier transport motorcycle taxi jeep wagon, van, auto, bus, ride, machine, pickup, motor wheels cart wagon, truck, buggy, dray, gig, dolly, barrow, rickshaw carriage transit, conveyance, transportation, conveying, carrying caravan cavalcade, convoy, procession, expedition, band, train coach trainer, teacher, mentor, tutor, skipper, educator tram dray wagon, sled, cart caisson schooner lorry van, car, crate, pickup, rig, buggy, dump, eighteen-wheeler wain buckboard camion tumbril barouche fourgon gilly 
Usage of Chariot in sentences
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