What is another word for Chartreuse in english

The list of words which can be used for Chartreuse while creating sentence in english language. fir cedar, pine, wood, alpine, douglas, conifer sap jade floozy, wanton, tramp, slattern, hussy, baggage, wench sage moss swamp, morass, bog, lichen pine forest woodland, park, jungle, thicket, timber, coppice, grove sea grass meadow, hay, pasture, turf, sod, verdure, barley, grama olive blue-green peacock apple orb, balloon, drop, pill, globule, pellet, round, globoid spinach willow verdigris malachite beryl turquoise, royal, azure, navy, blue-green, indigo, sapphire kelly aquamarine fir, sap, jade, sage, moss, pine, forest, sea, grass, olive lime adhesive, mud, size, gum, concrete, binder, bond, solder bice greenish-blue vert viridian 
Usage of Chartreuse in sentences
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