What is another word for Chaste in english

The list of words which can be used for Chaste while creating sentence in english language. subdued platonic virginal celibate chaste, virginal, continent, pure, virtuous unblemished austere stringent, somber, forbidding, rigid, exacting, sober clean hygienic, unblemished, simple, clear, tidy, bright continent celibate, ascetic, abstemious, austere, inhibited, modest decent noble, good, polite, honest, trustworthy, modest, proper decorous staid, civilized, polite, sedate, au fait, becoming elegant chic, polished, stately, grand, simple, delicate, ornate immaculate snowy, flawless, bright, spotless, neat, impeccable impotent unproductive, inadequate, inept, incompetent, ineffective inexperienced undisciplined, unschooled, naive, inept, young, untried innocent virtuous, pure, legitimate, uninvolved, honest, good modest prudent, simple, humble, quiet, unassuming, moderate moral proper, principled, righteous, noble, good, straight neat precise, accurate, tidy, slick, sleek, elegant, orderly proper prudish quiet refined restrained simple spotless stainless unaffected undefiled unstained unsullied vestal virtuous wholesome controlled composed, guarded, restrained, inhibited, calm, cool unwed monogamous subdued, platonic, celibate, unblemished, austere, clean intemerate uncontaminated 
Usage of Chaste in sentences
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