What is another word for Cheek in english

The list of words which can be used for Cheek while creating sentence in english language. chop cleave, cube, divide, mince, slash, hack, whack, hew, hash jowl cheek, mandible, dewlap choppers gill chop, jowl, choppers, run, rill, creek, duct, rivulet lip rim, spout, projection, border, nozzle, overlap, portal nerve confidence, stomach, grit, courage, determination confidence certainty, poise, morale, courage, determination, tenacity impertinence nerve, impropriety, gall, wisecrack, presumption, crust presumption brazenness nerve, discourtesy, gall, overconfidence, presumptuousness insolence disrespect brashness boldness, nerve, discourtesy, gall, overconfidence temerity rudeness gall chutzpah, self-importance, malice, rancor, animosity brass presumption, confidence, impertinence, cheek, impudence chutzpah sauce impudence impertinence, sass, rudeness, gall, brass, chutzpah effrontery gall, presumption, chutzpah, self-confidence, crust 
Usage of Cheek in sentences
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