What is another word for Children in english

The list of words which can be used for Children while creating sentence in english language. infant toddler adolescent teen, boyish, youthful, growing, juvenile, young, girlish juvenile youthful, infant, adolescent, growing, green, blooming youth teenager baby little, dwarf, wee, petite, diminutive, midget, small kid boy, infant, daughter, youth, teenager, child, baby, girl offspring minor petty, slight, inconsequential, lesser, unimportant youngster bairn juvenile, daughter, moppet, nipper, tyke, tot, son, youth sprout suckling newborn suckling, babe, bambino, nursling, tot, bundle, child, baby lamb fish, fool, sucker, pushover, gull, patsy, mark, victim progeny tyke tot imp troll, gremlin, minx, devil, brat, puck, elf, rascal, tyke cub whelp, offspring innocent virtuous, pure, legitimate, uninvolved, honest, good squirt issue affair, argument, controversy, topic, matter, problem neonate nursling babe newborn, bairn, infant, suckling, child, little one urchin nipper lad, boy, youngster, child, biter bambino infant, babe, nipper, tyke, tot, newborn, child, toddler mite speck, bug, particle, parasite, mote, minim, molecule, atom descendant heir, offspring, scion, product, brood, get, progeny moppet brat rascal, punk, devil, urchin, kid, youngster chick sprout, woman, moppet, youngster, child cherub stripling whippersnapper nestling nuzzle, huddle, snug, bundle, cuddle, snuggle, burrow shaver dickens preteen tadpole anklebiter kiddie little angel little darling little doll little one pubescent small fry teenybopper young one 
Usage of Children in sentences
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