What is another word for Cleverness in english

The list of words which can be used for Cleverness while creating sentence in english language. dexterity artistry, nimbleness, ingenuity, mastery, tact, cleverness wit gumption shrewdness, resourcefulness, acumen, savvy, cleverness quickness flair ability, gift, taste, mastery, elegance, glamour, genius wisdom discernment acumen, insight, judgment, understanding sense ability strength, capacity, intelligence, understanding, capability gift premium, offering, grant, bonus, relief, tip, benefit calculation prediction, forecast, computation, estimation, judgment intelligence sharpness resourcefulness sagacity adroitness dexterity, deftness, skill, ability, cleverness shrewdness talent skill astuteness sagacity, keenness, wisdom, acumen, intelligence smartness brains canniness quick wit 
Usage of Cleverness in sentences
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