What is another word for Clock Watcher in english

The list of words which can be used for Clock Watcher while creating sentence in english language. layabout waster, wanderer, wastrel, malingerer, slouch, lazybones malingerer loafer, shirker, idler, dodger, goof-off loafer waster, wanderer, malingerer, slouch, lazybones deadbeat sloth lazybones layabout, malingerer, wanderer, wastrel, slouch, waster good-for-nothing laggard lingerer, slowpoke, loafer, idler, dawdler, lounger moocher idler loafer, slacker, drone, couch potato, lazy bum bum derelict, stiff, vagrant, drifter, tramp, transient slacker shirker couch potato bystander, drone, idler, laggard, loafer, observer, slouch sponger goof-off lounger bystander, idler, observer, slouch, sluggard, spectator lazy person lotus eater 
Usage of Clock Watcher in sentences
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