What is another word for Clog in english

The list of words which can be used for Clog while creating sentence in english language. encumbrance load, duty, albatross, weight, saddle, handicap, cross blockade closure, restriction, stoppage, roadblock, barricade, clog snag obstruction drag impediment, burden, annoyance, pain, hang-up, bother, pill impediment hitch, flaw, stumbling block, barrier, restriction burden load, duty, onus, hardship, tax, difficulty, task hindrance bar streak, pig, stroke, strip, slab, rib, stake, boom, spar impedance encumbrance, blockade, snag, obstruction, drag, impediment dead weight encumbrance, blockade, snag, obstruction, drag, burden plug congest choke clog, congest, drown, suffocate, kill, gag, gasp, strangle impede cut off, retard, slow, thwart, stymie, deter, delay, curb seal hamper bassinet, carton, crate, creel, pannier, laundry basket fill stuffing, padding, enough, plenty, sufficiency, satiety jam box, predicament, plight, dilemma, bind, fix, strait, spot stopper fetter hinder, hog-tie, clog, chain, encumber, repress, bind encumber overburden, obstruct, load, cramp, clog, weight, tax glut saturation, surplus, plenitude, superfluity, surfeit shackle trammel leash rope, cord, tether, strap, control, chain, lead, restraint stuff curb restriction, rein, ledge, barrier, restraint, control close convenient, warm, adjacent, neighboring, adjoining, handy tie occlude dam up plug, obstruct, congest, choke, impede, seal, hamper, fill entrammel stop up 
Usage of Clog in sentences
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