What is another word for Clothes in english

The list of words which can be used for Clothes while creating sentence in english language. wardrobe garb garment, uniform, costume, attire, apparel, duds, dress regalia attire habit, garb, vestment, uniform, costume, apparel, dress work duds rags clothing habiliment, habit, garb, sack, costume, array, dress suit costume style, fashion, attire, garb, uniform, apparel, suit outfit baggage equipment, paraphernalia, luggage, tote, things wear gear supply, material, apparatus, paraphernalia, luggage, kit formal precise, academic, solemn, explicit, legal, strict, proper raiment dress gown, frock, attire, garb, uniform, apparel, costume, suit casual occasional, spontaneous, offhand, accidental, adventitious sportswear vestments togs garments vesture bedclothes sheet, quilt, bedspread, blanket, bed linen, comforter habiliments gown, garb, attire, apparel, dress, trappings, clothes 
Usage of Clothes in sentences
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