What is another word for Clubhouse in english

The list of words which can be used for Clubhouse while creating sentence in english language. club business, staff, sap, cudgel, works, bludgeon, baton, mace house building, box, apartment, dwelling, residence, shack dive leap, plunge, dip, duck, spring, fall, dash, swoop, pitch joint collective, concerted, cooperative, public, united, joined track saloon hall hallway, entrance, gallery, foyer, lobby, pass, passage bank fund, treasury, store, stock, repository, reservoir, safe roadhouse rotunda honky-tonk monte carlo betting house big store dance hall dice joint gambling den pool hall hangout meeting place abode dwelling residence, habitat, abode, dump, house, habitation niche slot, alcove, vocation, recess, cubbyhole, opening, calling lair hideaway, sanctuary, form, nest, cave, pen, burrow, refuge cubbyhole category, niche, cranny, cubicle, nook habitat dwelling, nest, cave, terrain, environment, surroundings locality status, domain, habitat, entourage, locale, ambiance, scene site headquarters resort range purlieu rendezvous home central, family, familiar, household, local, national retreat bar streak, pig, stroke, strip, slab, rib, stake, boom, spar gathering place watering hole living quarters stomping ground trysting place 
Usage of Clubhouse in sentences
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