What is another word for Clumsy in english

The list of words which can be used for Clumsy while creating sentence in english language. bulky ungainly unwieldy inept bumbling, awkward, inefficient, artless, bungling ponderous heavy-handed bungling crude boorish, indecent, rude, savage, cheap, obscene, raw elephantine big, colossal, enormous, extensive, gargantuan, giant gauche awkward, clumsy, crude, graceless, green, halting gawky awkward, gauche, loutish, lumbering, lumpish, lumpy graceless awkward, barbarian, barbaric, barbarous, boorish, coarse helpless defenseless, weak, impotent, disabled, unprotected, unable hulking bulky, imposing, lumbering, mammoth, towering, gigantic incompetent inefficient, incapable, inadequate, inept, unskilled inelegant awkward, coarse, crass, gauche, graceless, gross inexperienced undisciplined, unschooled, naive, inept, young, untried inexpert awkward, bungling, crude, green, maladroit, unskilled lumbering lumpish awkward, bungling, clumsy, cumbersome, dull, stupid maladroit bungling, gauche, halting, heavy-handed, inept, inexpert oafish unable uncoordinated uncouth uneasy unskillful untoward bumbling untactful weedy all thumbs blundering blunderous butterfingered clownish rude, tasteless, vulgar, churlish, impolite, ugly, barbaric gawkish ham-handed ill-shaped lubberly splay stumbling unadept undexterous unhandy untalented 
Usage of Clumsy in sentences
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