What is another word for Coagulate in english

The list of words which can be used for Coagulate while creating sentence in english language. consolidate centralize, develop, secure, stabilize, strengthen, cement thicken set jelly preserve, mass, extract, pulp, jell, gelatin, pectin concrete detailed, real, solid, material, specific, particular inspissate curdle thicken, acerbate, condense, clot, turn, spoil, ferment dry dusty, arid, torrid, parched, barren, bare, stale condense shorten, summarize, curtail, compress, thicken, trim harden consolidate, nerve, set, buttress, thicken, strengthen coalesce consolidate, integrate, fuse, unite, incorporate, cleave compact concentrate intensify, focus, fixate, settle, put, apply, establish solidify congeal gelatinize jellify clabber gelate glop up lopper 
Usage of Coagulate in sentences
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