What is another word for Coerce in english

The list of words which can be used for Coerce while creating sentence in english language. bully oppressor, rascal, ruffian, tough, tease, rowdy, bulldozer intimidate dismay, dishearten, constrain, bully, subdue, alarm, appall suppress repress strong-arm browbeat bully, hector, intimidate, coerce, harass, oppress, badger terrorize hinder obstruct, hamstring, retard, thwart, burden, prohibit bulldoze raze, flatten, shove, elbow, force, propel, level, drive force effort, strength, enforcement, fury, clout, strain, speed cow dishearten, terrorize, subdue, faze, frighten, unnerve urge oblige make manufacture, compose, prepare, form, produce, cause drive tour, ride, run, trip, commute, whirl, ramble, expedition impel oblige, compel, induce, force, inspire, propel, move beset bedevil, perplex, besiege, beleaguer, surround, embarrass push threaten constrain inhibit, bind, necessitate, curb, constrict, stifle menace peril, plague, hazard, threat, risk, annoyance, commination restrict pressurize dragoon dominate, domineer, oppress, tyrannize, order around concuss disturb, churn, beat, toss, convulse, rouse, stir, bully high pressure bully, intimidate, suppress, repress, strong-arm, browbeat lean on assume, stake, venture, wager, believe in, bet on, build on put the squeeze on shotgun make an offer they can't refuse twist one's arm 
Usage of Coerce in sentences
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