What is another word for Come To Blows in english

The list of words which can be used for Come To Blows while creating sentence in english language. assault violation, onslaught, offensive, charge, rape, strike attack battle bloodshed, campaign, clash, combat, hostility, encounter bear arms box carton, crate, pack, trunk, package, case, bin, casket brawl squabble, clash, riot, argument, ruckus, scuffle, feud challenge objection, test, protest, threat, ultimatum, provocation clash rift, crash, riot, melee, brawl, showdown, encounter cross swords brawl, contend, lock horns, quarrel, spar, bandy words dispute row, squabble, discord, wrangle, brawl, discussion duel bout, joust, engagement, challenge, shootout, fencing feud row, squabble, discord, enmity, hostility, vendetta joust duel, contest, tilt, tournament, bout, tourney quarrel scrap scuffle skirmish do battle exchange blows mix it up ply weapons wage war 
Usage of Come To Blows in sentences
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