What is another word for Compare in english

The list of words which can be used for Compare while creating sentence in english language. correlate interact, correspond, coordinate, parallel, connect study equal identical, comparable, corresponding, equivalent measure part, quota, breadth, shot, weight, share, height, quantum analyze resolve, consider, evaluate, study, inspect, investigate match contest, trial, game, race, bout, event, rivalry, meet consider scrutinize, grant, recognize, study, examine, favor, see scan segregate scrutinize touch divide break, cut, tear, isolate, partition, subdivide, cross ponder collate compare, compose, group, analogize, relate, gather, adduce approach juxtapose pair, connect, appose, bring near, bring together separate inspect audit, search, scan, oversee, review, probe, watch hang hover, flap, pin, drift, float, cover, dangle, lean, wave contemplate ponder, foresee, consider, aim, weigh, propose, intend observe parallel confront defy, resist, accost, repel, oppose, meet, encounter bracket girder, reinforcement, strut, joint, brace, cantilever oppose rival weigh balance tension, harmony, equity, correspondence, parity, stasis hold a candle to match up place in juxtaposition set against set side by side size up stack up against weigh against another link network, relationship, hookup, element, contact, channel connect attach, associate, relate, join, bridge, affix, span standardize vie assimilate grasp, incorporate, understand, comprehend, sense, digest resemble come up to approach, arrive, equal, extend, match, reach, resemble identify with ally, associate, empathize, relate to, sympathize tie up allegorize approximate to be in the same class as be on a par with bear comparison bring near compete with distinguish between draw parallel make like notice similarities put alongside show correspondence stack up with 
Usage of Compare in sentences
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