What is another word for Compile in english

The list of words which can be used for Compile while creating sentence in english language. cull glean, winnow, pluck, sift, extract, select, discriminate amass garner, compile, collect, stockpile, assemble, hoard organize edit rearrange, compose, prepare, censor, choose, publish glean cull, extract, gather, sift, garner, deduce, learn, reap gather huddle, crowd, cluster, draw, converge, collect, congregate collect amass, compile, gather, assemble, save, group, congress compose form, constitute, comprise, consist of, build, make arrange organize, file, form, sort, systematize, group, dispose consolidate centralize, develop, secure, stabilize, strengthen, cement group body, crowd, faction, club, company, band, gang, party muster roundup, assembly, congeries, crowd, company, roster abridge curtail, abbreviate, truncate, trim, snip, cut, clip unite recapitulate concentrate intensify, focus, fixate, settle, put, apply, establish collate compare, compose, group, analogize, relate, gather, adduce congregate throng, gather, converge, swarm, flock, teem, raise garner amass, reap, pick up, cull, hoard, extract, glean, gather marshal assemble, mobilize, systematize, distribute, group, lead collocate get together assemble, collect, congregate, convene, converge, join put together anthologize colligate bring together acquire, swell, rack up, add to, accrue, increase, collect draw together heap up 
Usage of Compile in sentences
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