Meaning of (अभागा) abhaga in english

As noun : unfortunate Ex:  We had an unfortunate concantenation of bomb mishaps last month. उ:   माता का देहांत हो जाता है और पिता उसे अभागा मान कर त्याग देते हैं।
underdog Ex:  his sympathies were always with the underdog luckless
As verb : accursed Ex:  The accursed neighbours of ours are sometimes kind to my mother.
As adjective : hapless Ex:  Though Link starts out a hapless disastrous Ex:  As part of an effort to shed the image left after the disastrous 1967 riot ill fated
Other : ill-starred Ex:  It was an ill-starred move. ill-fated Ex:  19.5 metre -long vessel similar to Garret's ill-fated Resurgam wretched Ex:  We piled us into this wretched boat unlucky Ex:  He is apparently so unlucky that his young apprentice wretch Ex:  The Ring warped him into a twisted, gurgling wretch known only as Gollum. unhappy Ex:  Oona survived Chaplin by fourteen years but her final years were unhappy
Suggested : destined, as though by fate, to an unhappy or unfortunate end a person who is expected to lose in a contest or conflict causing great distress or injury ruinous very unfortunate calamitous under a curse doomed ill-fated suffering from bad luck
Exampleअभागा का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

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Usage of अभागा:
1. परिजनों ने रूबी से नाता तोड़ा, पति बोला, मैं अभागा LiveHindustan2. जी हां, वह अभागा बाप शाहजहां थाibnlive.com3. अभागा LiveHindustan
(अभागा) abhaga can be used as noun, verb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including vowels consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : abhaagaa

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