atapata example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण Usage and Example of atapata 1. नाच रहीं कुछ अटपट यादें,। 1. 1 Germany has given his formidable ourques, Naples its brigantines, Cadiz his galleons ( 2. Also, the production that reached 91 Mt in 1991 she appeared threatened, causing serious discontent in the mining areas and poses formidable social problems 3. At that time, the name of Germans seems to have been extended by the Celts, a formidable tribe (German?) established in the region of Liège, in transrhénans barbarians 4. But the analysis of these asymptotic states proved to be an unexpected and formidable difficulty 5. Couvreur) Benjamin Disraeli, Earl of Beaconsfield London 1804-London 1881 No government can be long secure without a formidable opposition

Given are the examples of hindi word atapata usage in english sentences. The examples of atapata are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., formidable, severe, ghastly, dreadful, acute, horrendous, redoubtable, complicated, arduous, stiff, tough, painful, abstruse, hard, trick, uphill, cold, severe, rough, sticky, hairy, difficult, nice, stinker, sclerotic, heavy going, dodgy, torrid, tight, tense, trim, sound, sophisticated, mystery, abstruse, enigmatical, fiendish, enigmatic, ulterior, subtle, sophisticated, cumbersome, complex, intricate, problematical, tangled, tortuous, ticklish, problematic, knotty, serious, catch, twiddly, involved, fiddly, catch 22, tender, perplexing, profound, deep rooted, deeply, thick, rich, heavy, strong, deep, dark, deep seated, close, black, in depth, bizarre, strange, unique, curious, weird, inimitable, excellent, offbeat, quaint, fancy, far out, wonderful, singular, tricksy, way out, helter skelter, halting.

It was difficult to cross these frontiers, those who wanted could and did scale the mountains and cross the seas.लोगों के लिए इन सीमाओं को पार करना आसान नहीं था, जिन्होंने ऐसा चाहा वे ऐसा कर सके, वे पर्वतों की ऊँचाई को छू सके तथा गहरे समुद्रों को पार कर सके|

Inscriptionsare writings on relatively hard surfaces such as stone or metal.अभिलेख पत्थर अथवा धातु जैसी अपेक्षाकृत कठोर सतहों पर उत्कीर्ण किए गए मिलते हैं|
Can you tell the advantages of writing on a hard surface?क्या तुम बता सकती हो कि कठोर सतह पर लेख लिखवाने के क्या लाभ थे?
To hunt animals or catch fish and birds, people need to be alert, quick, and have lots of presence of mind.जानवरों के शिकार, चिड़िया या मछलियाँ पकड़ने के लिए बड़ा सतर्क, जागरूक और तेज़ होना पड़ता है|
People select plants that yield large-size grain, and have strong stalks, capable of bearing the weight of the ripe grain.लोग उन्हीं पौधों को चुनते हैं जिनसे बड़े दाने वाले अनाज पैदा होते हैं साथ ही जिनकी मज़बूत डंठले अनाज के पके दानों के भार को संभाल सकें|
Tribes have rich and unique cultural traditions, including their own language, music, stories and paintings.जनजातियों की सांस्कृतिक-परम्पराएँ बहुत समृद्ध तथा विशिष्ट होती हैं| इनमें उनकी भाषाएँ, संगीत, कहानियाँ तथा चित्रकारी भी शामिल हैं|
You please don't drink cold water.आप ठंडा पानी मत पीजिए|
HCL has a strong sense of social responsibility.
Planning the products is a difficult task that is done by a team of marketing and design experts to ensure that whatever is produced is according to market demand.
It has a complex organisation structure in which actual production is in the hands of several skilled artisans and marketing is done by staff at branches such as the one managed by Suhasini.
संबंधित शब्द अटपट के पर्यायवाची