adamahaajiree example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. "As the first woman recognizes she, recognizing the world, in the absence of determining which serves to qualify it and to which it is most sensitive: the color 2. "Very few people indeed, in the absence of statistics, were made an accurate picture of the country's linguistic state 3. 100 or capital income is taxed there), the absence of T 4. 3 frigidity, unlike eroticism, is slowing or extinction, sometimes the mere absence of sexual appetite 5. Another disadvantage of the prolonged absence of acid secretion is the loss of the sterilizing function normally assumes that this secretion

Given are the examples of hindi word adamahaajiree usage in english sentences. The examples of adamahaajiree are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., absence, absenteeism, default, non attendance, cut, absence, non appearance.

The palm leaves were cut into pages and tied together to make books.किताब बनाने के लिए ताड़ के पत्तों को काटकर उनके अलग-अलग हिस्सों को एक साथ बाँध दिया जाता था|

In the absence of coordination there is overlapping and chaos instead of harmony and integration of activities.
Cooperation in the absence of coordination may lead to wasted effort and coordination without cooperation may lead to dissatisfaction among employees.
Motivation helps to reduce absenteeism in the organisation.
Some important reasons for absenteeism are bad working conditions, inadequate rewards, lack of recognition, poor relations with supervisors and colleagues etc.
Generally insect pests attack the plants in three ways: they cut the root, stem and leaf, they suck the cell sap from various parts of the plant, and they bore into stem and fruits.
Bodhidharma, an ancient Buddhist ascetic, cut off his eyelids because he felt sleepy during meditations.
The duty of Asokamitran in Gemini Studios was to cut out newspaper clippings on a wide variety of subjects and store them in files.
It is the default data type because of being used most frequently.
If the caption property is set to blank, the field name becomes the default caption and is used to label the field.
संबंधित शब्द अदमहाजिरी के पर्यायवाची