avaidh example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Latest अवैध avaidh news and headlines :
बिहार में समस्तीपुर जिले के अंगारघाट थाना क्षेत्र में अवैध संबंध का विरोध करने पर कल देर रात पत्नी की धारदार हथियार से हत्या कर भाग रहे आरोपी पति को पुलिस ने गिरफ्तार कर लियाlivehindustan.comबिहार: पत्‍नी ने अवैध संबंध का किया विरोध तो पति ने की हत्याlivehindustan.comस्वराज इंडिया ने रविवार को आरोप लगाया कि केंद्र सरकार काला धन से निपटने के लिए अपने आधे मन से किए जा रहे प्रयासों से जनता को गुमराह कर रही है और अवैध धन को सफेद करने में राजनैतिक दल वाहक के तौर पर काम कर रहे हैंlivehindustan.comस्टार क्रिकेटर रवींद्र जडेजा के होमटाउन गुजरात के राजकोट में उनकी ओर से करीब चार साल पहले शुरू की गई मशहूर रेस्त्रां 'जड्डूस फूड फील्ड' से जुड़े अवैध निमार्ण को गुरुवार को महानगरपालिका के बुलडोजरों ने ध्वस्त कर दियाlivehindustan.comबेंगलुरु में भारतीय रिजर्व बैंक के एक कार्यालय सहायक को अवैध तरीके से करीब 1.50 करोड़ रूपये के पुराने नोट बदलने की कोशिश में नीलंबित कर दिया गया हैlivehindustan.com
Usage and Example of avaidh 1. अन्य स्थानों पर अवैध नमक को जब्त करने का कोई खास विरोध नहीं किया गया है। 2. सरकार ने रोज़गार में धािर्मक भेद-भाव को अवैध ठहराया। 3. हज़ार गिल्डर के नोट अवैध मुद्रा घोषित किए जा रहे हैं। 4. यह सच है कि इस इलाके में अवैध पत्थर खनन होता है। 5. मगर इस अवैध खनन में जो असामाजिक तत्व लगे हैं उन्हें माफिया तो कतई नहीं कहा जा सकता। 1. With the modulation frequency it is possible, within certain limits, to regenerate a degraded signal through an amplifier followed by a clipping and filter, which eliminates some noise and spurious amplitude modulations 2. More recent trials have shown that this bark irregular effects was not a substitute for quinine 3. Our Galaxy, for example, belongs to the Local Group, which includes twenty galaxies, spiral and irregular galaxies and galaxies of smaller mass dwarfs, bound by gravity (see above, Enumeration of galaxies) 4. regular flower or actinomorphic, irregular or zygomorphic Double flower, part of the stamens transformed into petals Flowers alternate, opposite, side by side, delisted ? inflorescence (flower head, kitten, highbush, cyme, spike, spikelet , cluster umbel, panicle, strobile, sycone, trochet 5. September librettists and five years of irregular work could only end in this result

Given are the examples of hindi word avaidh usage in english sentences. The examples of avaidh are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., illicit, bastardly, illegal, bastardise, illegitimate, bastardize, spurious, misbegot, unlawful, wildcat, unconventional.

Initially, both innovations were greeted with great suspicion by countries like Britain and Australia which saw them as an underhanded, illegal bending of the laws of cricket.

This will also help in reducing crime and violence by reducing frustration, and by encouraging the poor to earn their livelihood through legal rather than illegal means.
It is illegal to smoke in public places and work places, because it is harmful not only for the one who is smoking but also for others, and therefore, we should avoid it.
The animals are poached for collection and illegal trade of hides, skins, nails, teeth, horns as well as feathers.
In the eyes of the law it is illegal or wrong to deny workers their wages.
But Western merchants in the mid-eighteenth century began an illegal trade in opium.
The poor man is liable to be hung for taking from You what would not supply you with a meal; & You would do nothing illegal by depriving him of his subsistence; …What should be the inference of the poor…when the laws are not accessible to the injured poor and the government gives them no redress?' Source: J.
None of them know that it is illegal for children like him to work in the glass furnaces with high temperatures, in dingy cells without air and light; that the law, if enforced, could get him and all those 20,000 children out of the hot furnaces where they slog their daylight hours, often losing the brightness of their eyes.
All political parties were illegal in Russia before 191 The Russian Social Democratic Workers Party was founded in 1898 by socialists who respected Marx's ideas.
However, because of government policing, it had to operate as an illegal organisation.
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