asanbhaavaneey example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. In Scaramouche, the jester became a character surprised to impossible situations, which caused an immediate comical effect 2. In the eighteenth century, the number of fine stone engravers in Italy was such that it is impossible to mention them all; two names illustrèrent intaglio engraving in Rome, Giovanni Costanzi Costanzi and his son Carlo 3. Instead, the values ??of a man and woman meeting in the dilution of the urban fabric are increasingly fragile of a couple in an impossible experiment to communicate 4. It is impossible that exists in nature intrinsically significant structures 5. It is impossible that it is his desire to situate in relation to this lack that originate neuroses and perversions

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