aasaanaa example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. It is easy to conquer, but the gold greedy conquerors maintain the mystery for not informing the rivals 2. It is easy to see that result is a solution of the problem (B) (see Limitations of ZF As has been mentioned several times, the axiom of choice can not be decided in ZF and of Similarly, the assumption of continuous can be decided in ZFC, specifically: 3. It is easy to see that the approximation Landau involves values, "classic" ? = ½, ? = 3, ? = 0, ? = 1, v = ½, ? = 0 4. It is easy to see that the continuity of u equals continuity at the origin, or the fact that u is bounded in the neighborhood of zero 5. It is easy to show that all the zeros of a function of N (?) checks the condition of Blaschke

Given are the examples of hindi word aasaanaa usage in english sentences. The examples of aasaanaa are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., easy.

None of these things was easy to do.लेकिन यह सब कर पाना बिल्कुल आसान नहीं था|

There is a need to provide an easy and effective public system by which this can be done.
In most purchases cash memos are not issued hence evidence is not easy to gather.
Uniform maturity makes the harvesting process easy and reduces losses during harvesting.
It is then easy to visualize the significance of quantum numbers and electronic configureurations in periodicity of elements.
Film-making must have been and was so easy with a man like Subbu around and if ever there was a man who gave direction and definition to Gemini Studios during its golden years, it was Subbu.
Once property sheet is opened for one object, it is easy to call for the properties of other objects by selecting the name of object from property sheet title bar.
It may not be easy to ensure a society or environment that is free from frustrating situations.
Natural gas is a very important fossil fuel because it is easy to transport through pipes.
It is neither economical nor easy to keep a check on each and every activity in an organisation.
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