ainplityood example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. C, the main amplitude 0 diverges 2. In the months following, motility diversifies, and long known that the frequency and amplitude of active movements are related to fetal well-being 3. It can use any carrier (sinusoid at 1000 Hz for example) and the amplitude modulating according to a law chosen by him, for example a linear law with 1 volt to 1000 hectopascals 4. Major structures are recumbent folds (later refolded) with huge amplitude extremely thinned cores 5. One seeks actually asymptotic solutions of the form u size = 1 ? (q) = a size = 1 ? (q) size = 1 ei where ? ? = (q) and where the amplitude a 1 ? size = ( q) admits an asymptotic expansion in the form of ?: ? ??with a 0/0

Given are the examples of hindi word ainplityood usage in english sentences. The examples of ainplityood are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., amplitude.