auchity example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Latest औचित्य auchity news and headlines :
ईडी द्वारा की गई सिलसिलेवार कार्रवाई के पीछे कोई औचित्य या कानूनी आधार नहीं है प्रतीत नहीं होता, यह अलग विषय है, किंतु औचित्य व अनौचित्य का संदर्भ सदा बना रहता है दूसरी ओर यातायात पुलिस पर भी सवाल उठ रहे हैं कि सुबह के समय ऑटो चालकों की बैठक का कोई औचित्य नहीं बनता क्योंकि यह समय लोगों के लिए व्यस्तताओं से भरा होता है बावजूद इसके निगम इन क्षेत्रों में रहने वाले लोगों से टैक्स की वसूली कर रहा है, जिसका कोई औचित्य ही नहीं है जब मार्केट नहीं है तो व्यापारियोंं ने ज्वेलरी बनवाकर रखने का औचित्य नहीं समझा
1. Theoretical justification and practical realities This general assessment of the origin and development of slavery does not reflect the reality 2. These new express a pessimistic conception of the universe - that of the test - further strengthened by the defeat of 1870 when Gobineau saw the justification of his "black humor" 3. These ranges were given in the eighteenth century due to a theoretical justification Joseph Sauveur, then Rameau and d'Alembert 4. Although designed for ultimately lead to the justification of the laws of thermodynamics, Gibbs theory was oriented from the beginning, away from any hypothesis on the constitution of matter 5. Justice "All justice emanates from the king

Given are the examples of hindi word auchity usage in english sentences. The examples of auchity are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., justification, reasonableness, moderateness, appropriateness, nicety, uprightness, rightness, expediency, modestness, justness, seemliness, justice.

This also helps comparison with other firm s to ascertain its reasonableness and capacity to pay dividend.

It reflects investors expectation about the growth in the firm s earnings and reasonableness of the market price of its shares.
This is presented as the justification for reserves in business activities and in accounting.
संबंधित शब्द औचित्य के पर्यायवाची औचित्य के विपरीत शब्द