kuleenata example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण Usage and Example of kuleenata 1. एक भाषाशास्त्री किसी संस्कृत शब्द को एक से अधिक रूप से प्रचलित पाते थे तो तुरंत उसकी कुलीनता पर शक कर बैठते थे। 2. लेकिन जो आदमी अपनी विद्या और कुलीनता को रूपयों पर बेचे, वह नीच है। 3. उसका प्रौढ़ मुखमण्डल पीला था और भावों से कुलीनता प्रकट होती थी। 4. उसका व्यक्तित्व क्या उसकी कुलीनता का आभास नहीं देता .अपने जन्म का प्रमाण कोई कहाँ से लाएगा ? 5. लेकिन जो आदमी अपनी विद्या और कुलीनता को रूपयों पर बेचे, वह नीच है। 1. This company remained dominated by social groups that owned the land, that is to say, the nobility and clergy 2. This means that Goncharov belonged to that class which, throughout Europe, with the exception of Russia, for a century or more decades had assured the changing of the nobility 3. This new Ottoman nobility was, increasingly composed of notable class provinces, Ayan, originally composed mostly of wealthy merchants and artisans 4. This society was very hierarchical: the nobility in Castile included the grandees of Spain and the "Securities of Castile," owners of vast fortunes earth, whose preservation was assured by the primogeniture (mayorazgos) 5. to nobility "titled nobility")

Given are the examples of hindi word kuleenata usage in english sentences. The examples of kuleenata are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., nobility, birth, gentility.

Years are counted from the date generally assigned to the birth of Jesus Christ, the founder of Christianity.वर्ष की गणना ईसाई धर्म-प्रवतर्क ईसा मसीह के जन्म की तिथि से की जाती है|

All dates before the birth of Christ are counted backwards and usually have the letters BC (Before Christ) added on.ईसा मसीह के जन्म के पूर्व की सभी तिथियाँ उल्टी गिनी जाती हैं और आम तौर पर ई-पू (ईसा से पहले) जुड़ा होता है|
This was considered by many industry observers as the birth of the Indian computer industry.
Rampant food shortages, hoarding, black marketing, adulteration of food and edible oil gave birth to the consumer movement in an organised form in the 1960s.
The Saliya weavers of Thanjavur and the nearby town of Uraiyur are busy producing cloth for flags to be used in the temple festival, fine cottons for the king and nobility and coarse cotton for the masses.
Communication is basic to an organisation s existence-right from its birth through its continuing life.
Births are usually measured using the birth rate i.e. the number of live births per 1,000 people.
The difference between the birth rate and the death rate of a country is called the natural growth rate.
Now, with improving health care, death rates have fallen, but birth rates still remain high leading to high growth rates.
In other countries like United Kingdom, population growth is slowing because of both low death and low birth rates.
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