kharakhudn example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण

Given are the examples of hindi word kharakhudn usage in english sentences. The examples of kharakhudn are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., evil, heinousness, perversity, vileness, iniquity, immorality, wickedness, infamy, villainy, villainousness.

Suri Nambuthiri, desperate to find a partner for himself, finally marries a poorer relation from the same family and goes away pretending that he has married Indulekha! Chandu Menon clearly wanted his readers to appreciate the new values of his hero and heroine and criticise the ignorance and immorality of Suri Nambuthiri.

Guruji recommended a shanti yajna to pacify the evil spirit behind the comet.
But while he was riding up to the manor house he had evil forebodings.
As soon as they got up from the table he went around to each one present and said thank you and good night, but when he came to the young girl she gave him to understand that it was her father's intention that the suit which he wore was to be a Christmas present — he did not have to return it; and if he wanted to spend next Christmas Eve in a place where he could rest in peace, and be sure that no evil would befall him, he would be welcomed back again.
Krishnamurty, 'Deindustrialisation in Gangetic Bihar during the nineteenth century', The Indian Economic and Social History Review, 198 The Koshtis, like the weavers of the finer kinds of cloth in other parts of India, have fallen upon evil times.
When it emerges fully, the goddess inside will escape, and the evil period of the Kaliyug will end on earth.
One ancient theory that is still encountered today holds that abnormal behaviour can be explained by the operation of supernatural and magical forces such as evil spirits (bhoot-pret), or the devil (shaitan).
Exorcism, i.e. removing the evil that resides in the individual through countermagic and prayer, is still commonly used.
Demonology related to a belief that people with mental problems were evil and there are numerous instances of 'witch-hunts' during this period.
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