jaagarookata example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
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Usage and Example of jaagarookata 1. आर्थी स्मृति सामान्य ज्ञान एवं जागरूकता की स्मृति है। 2. उनका अनुमान है कि हमारे संवेगों की अनुभूति, हमारे तात्कालिक उद्धेलन के प्रति जागरूकता के द्धारा उत्पन्न होती है। 3. एक बार सत्ता में आने के बाद वे असमानताएँ घटाने, शिक्षा फैलाने और राजनीतिक जागरूकता बनाने में सफल रहे। 4. गंभीर विषय यह है कि विभिन्न जागरूकता कार्यक्रम चलाने और तरह- तरह से चेतावनी देने के बावजूद भी सुधार क्यों नहीं हो रहा है। 5. अक्टूबर का महीना ब्रेस्ट कैंसर जागरूकता को समर्पित महीना है .स्तन कैंसर से जुड़े मिथ और यथार्थ की हम लगातार चर्चा करेंगे .पहला मिथ -। 1. Any increase awareness carries with it the danger of inflation (VIREL Psych 2. Aztec society, for example, seems to have had an acute awareness of this paradox, it is true that it based its power in an organization, taken to the extreme, the human sacrifice sacrificial violence against violence of the entropy 3. But historically, this awareness of what basically intervened in the classical theory occurred in the same time or later than the introduction of a new and extremely fruitful idea, due to É 4. But in modern society, the awareness that generations have of themselves is not growing only in these public and social relations taken together may also, and that contrary to what happens in primitive societies, to develop in some sectors - be they central - of society, for example in the field of cultural creation or the arts As already said 5. But it is his awareness of himself by combining a figure to a place

Given are the examples of hindi word jaagarookata usage in english sentences. The examples of jaagarookata are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., awareness, sensitization, wakefulness, wakeful, metacognative.

Naturalistic (sensitivity to the features of the natural world) : This involves complete awareness of our relationship with the natural world.

We have to enable students to understand that the awareness of being a wellinformed consumer arose out of consumer movement and active participation of people through their struggles over a long period.
It publishes a variety of materials to create consumer awareness in India.
It took many years for organisations in India, and around the world, to create awareness amongst people.
These voluntary organisations also receive financial support from the government for creating awareness among the people.
After 20 years of the enactment of COPRA, consumer awareness in India is spreading but slowly.
Also, the growing awareness of the need for humane treatment of livestock has brought in new limitations in livestock farming.
An awareness of the Periodic Table is essential to anyone who wishes to disentangle the world and see how it is built up from the fundamental building blocks of the chemistry, the chemical elements.
Mass communication provides entertainment and creates awareness among people about various national programmes and policies.
These days, there is a growing awareness that environmental problems such as noise, air, water and soil pollution, and unsatisfactory ways of garbage disposal have damaging effects on physical health.
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