jhankrrit example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Latest झंकृत jhankrrit news and headlines :
कभी शास्त्रीय संगीत की लहरें दौड़ंेगी तो कभी वाद्य यंत्रों की मधुर तान से तनमन झंकृत होगा bhaskar.comUsage and Example of jhankrrit 1. उसकी गति, लय, प्रवाह, संवाद और संगीत पढ़ने वाले के रोम-रोम में झंकृत होने लगता है। 2. कुदरत ने इन महिलाओं को ऐसा मीठा स्वर दिया है कि इनकी बोली भले ही समझ में न आये पर सुनने वालों अन्दर तक झंकृत कर देती है। 3. ह्रदय-तंत्र झंकृत है प्रियतम । 4. दिल की कितनी अथाह गहरी भावनाओं को झंकृत करता है, यह शब्द। 5. मन के तार .हो कर झंकृत। 1. "No matter! The work is epic grandeur of a wild, mesmerizing counting and tension, and its resounding success proves that Norwegians heard the lesson 2. After such a resounding failure of their ideal, it was impossible to believe any longer in the notions of glory, honor, fatherland, which had caused so much suffering 3. And immediately, they will help to make the fourth National Conference a resounding success (Humanity, Jan 19 4. Civil liberties diminish as President Sukarno, who wants to be the "spokesman of the Indonesian people," defines in his resounding speech ideology of the new regime 5. Regarding the organization itself, the revelations allow police to win resounding successes, such as the arrest, January 15, 1993, Toto Riina, preceded and followed by those of his top lieutenants

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