jhaa?pee example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. The seed is said to also sleep (Divine 2. The story is a novel that was; the novel is the story that could have been 1 History is only a story to sleep 3. There are no known long-term effect on the body's sleep disruption caused by hypnotics 4. They sleep between the sticks and have around them poor objects that symbolize their homes 5. This sleep which is the image of death

Given are the examples of hindi word jhaa?pee usage in english sentences. The examples of jhaa?pee are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., nap, snooze, doze, catnap, cat sleep, forty winks, slumber, repose, sleep, rest, kip.

The rest of the revenue is the earning of the entrepreneurs and it is called profit.

Trade with the external sector can be of two kinds The domestic country may sell goods to the rest of the world.
The economy may also buy goods from the rest of the world.
Besides exports and imports, the rest of the world affects the domestic economy in other ways as well.
This is what distinguishes it from microeconomics; which mostly examines the functioning of the particular sectors of the economy, assuming that the rest of the economy remains the same.
The rest of the chapter tries to assess elections in India in the light of this yardstick.
However, during the days when he is unable to get some work, he and his family really face difficulties and sometimes his small kids have to sleep without food.
The jingling thud of his bamboo woke us up from sleep and we ran to meet and greet him.
Presently the Horse came to him on Monday morning, with a saddle on his back and said, Camel, O Camel, come out and trot like the rest of us.
Presently the Dog came to him, with a stick in his mouth, and said Camel, O Camel, come and fetch and carry like the rest of us.
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