than example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Latest थन than news and headlines :
यूपी: बिना थन वाली गाय के बच्चों को पालते हैं गांव वालेlivehindustan.comUsage and Example of than 1. पछांही नसल की बकरी है, ऊंचे कद की, बड़े-बड़े थन जो जमीन से लगते चलते हैं। 2. पिता ने शिशु का मुंह बकरी थन में लगा दिया। 3. दूरियाँ कभी उसके फासले न बढ़ा पायीं, जहां थन लेते बस, उस महफिल में पहुँच जाती और अपनी भागीदारी दर्ज करती 4. आंसू चांद की आंखों से नहीं, उसके थन से निकलते हैं दूध बनकर। 5. सावन में कमला देवी को ऐसा महसूस हुआ कि कावेरी के थन में दूध भर रहा है।

Given are the examples of hindi word than usage in english sentences. The examples of than are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., dug, udder, bag.

There are two types of wells, namely dug wells and tube wells.

In a dug well, water is collected from water bearing strata.
The Parsis complained that the park was left unfit for cricket because the polo ponies of the Bombay Gymkhana dug up the surface.
The Parsis complained that the park was left unfit for cricket because the polo ponies of the Bombay Gymkhana dug up the surface.
These communities have used hundreds of indigenous water saving methods to capture every trickle of water that had fallen on their land; dug small pits and lakes, put in place simple watershed systems, built small earthen dams, constructed dykes, sand and limestone reservoirs, set up rooftop water-collecting units.
When the king had dug two beds, he stopped and repeated his questions.
The hermit was on his knees sowing seeds in the beds that had been dug the day before.
“If you had not pitied my weakness yesterday and had not dug these beds for me, you would have gone away.
” Golu dug in all his four legs in the mud and pulled.
In other words, they formed when glaciers dug out a basin, which was later filled with snowmelt.
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