duchitaaeepu example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण

Given are the examples of hindi word duchitaaeepu usage in english sentences. The examples of duchitaaeepu are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., suspicion, doubt, doubtful, tumbler, jeopardy, catch, concern, anxiety, worry, solicitude, solicitousness, angst, soreness, preoccupation, care, jump, interest, apprehension, fear, willies, threat, feeling, qualm, misgiving.

To hunt animals or catch fish and birds, people need to be alert, quick, and have lots of presence of mind.जानवरों के शिकार, चिड़िया या मछलियाँ पकड़ने के लिए बड़ा सतर्क, जागरूक और तेज़ होना पड़ता है|

It has to achieve a variety of objectives in all areas considering the interest of all stakeholders including, shareholders, employees, customers and the government.
Any discrepancies between actual and realised activities are then taken care of at the stage of controlling.
One of the most popular psychological attributes which has been of interest to psychologists is ntelligence.
We will discuss in this chapter some important attributes that are of interest to psychologists.
Binet s theory of intelligence was rather simple as it arose from his interest in differentiating more intelligent from less intelligent individuals.
ndividuals who are categorised as having mental retardation show significant variation in their abilities, ranging from those who can be taught to work and function with special attention, to those who cannot be trained and require institutional care throughout their lives.
ndividuals with profound and severe retardation are incapable of managing life and need constant care for their entire lives.
Social competence (respect for social order, commitment to elders, the young and the needy, concern about others, recognising others perspectives).
t is the feeling side of intelligence.
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